Running a Seattle Study Club is an exciting opportunity for you to be the connecting point for dentists in your community. With world-class educational programming, you help raise the level of dentistry practiced in your area and build lasting relationships.

Today that need for strong connection is more profound than ever. As the dental industry begins to find its way in the new world, you have to focus on building deep and long-lasting relationships with the dentists in your referral area. Seattle Study Club directors — that's our title for the specialist running a club — do this by creating a collaborative culture. In this intellectually challenging, yet safe and supportive environment, everyone gets energized and inspired to do more and better dentistry. And we consistently see both directors' and members' practices prosper hand-in-hand.

Seattle Study Club’s innovative, full-academic-year program addresses financial challenges and recovery, offers insightful interviews, and includes hands-on demonstrations. The program is designed for flexible, adaptable delivery, so dentists in your community still get to collaborate, learn together, and rely on each other.

Facilitated by the Club Director

Our Logic
Members will have been in isolation, some depressed, and many won’t know which way to turn in the face of so many unanswered questions. The idea here is to reinforce what your Seattle Study Club is all about—learning together in a safe, supportive environment. It is not just about dentistry, because you provide far more than that!

Program Description
We’ve all faced similar challenges in closing our offices over the past months, complicated by a variety of unique and personal obstacles. What better place to share ideas and solutions than in a collaborative, caring and safe environment with supportive colleagues? This session will help each study club member answer one of the most important questions in emerging from isolation and facing uncertain financial futures—"What can I do now to get back on my feet?" Members, in roundtable discussion, will share their unique challenges and personal goals for the upcoming year. These will be recorded so they can be reviewed later in the year. This program is just what the doctor ordered!

Dr Anthony Feck

Recorded Interactive Learning Module: Business Academy Workshop

Our Logic
We began by addressing the emotional impact of Covid-19. The next session is designed to shed light on the financial side, with the goal of providing guidance to help everyone get back on track.

Program Description
As dental practice owners we find ourselves in the midst of unprecedented times. The practice and business of dentistry looks much different today than it did just months ago. Stress accompanies change of this magnitude and is intensified by the uncertainty of what that change will bring. Most of us can’t help wondering how this uncertainty will affect our financial future. To turn economic uncertainty into financial security, we each need a comprehensive plan that begins with where we want to go, provides an assessment of our current financial status, and details a step-by-step approach to connecting those two places. This workshop will guide each of us in developing or updating a customized game plan toward financial and lifestyle independence.

Thomas Viola, RPh, CCP

October 27, 2020 | 6:00 pm Pacific / 7:00 pm Mountain
October 29, 2020 | 6:00 pm Central / 7:00 pm Eastern

Program Description
Although conventional cigarette smoking among young adults has declined markedly over the past several decades, there has been a substantial increase in the use of vaporizing devices. While originally designed as alternative delivery vehicles for nicotine in place of tobacco, advances in technology and lack of strict regulation have given rise to the use of these devices as delivery vehicles for a variety of substances, especially cannabis. Unfortunately, little information is available about the safety of the active and inactive ingredients present in products used for vaping. This program will provide an overview of cannabis, vaping, and their overall systemic adverse effects. Special emphasis will be given to the oral complications associated with vaping, as well as treatment planning strategies for patients who vape.

Dr John Kois

Livestream interview with audience Q&A

Our Logic
After addressing the emotional and business concerns, this third session takes a closer look at how Covid-19 is going to affect us in dental practice moving forward.

Program Description
In this special livestream event, your members will see the world of dentistry as Dr Kois sees it through his very own discerning lens. He will share his views on the changing dental landscape and how it has altered his thinking on what lies ahead for those of us who still want to return to the delivery of treatment we once knew. Some of the questions related to the post-Covid-19 practice of dentistry will include:

  • What advice will you be giving to your students and our members regarding the best ways to adjust to the new norm in returning to practice?
  • Will continuing education change at the Kois Center and in dentistry as a result of the pandemic?
  • Will face-to-face education like you provide at the center remain important, why, and how might it change?
  • How will your approach to patients in the chair be different to help them become more comfortable in proceeding with necessary treatment?
  • What would be the most important advice and encouragement you could give our members?

Video-enhanced session facilitated by the Club Director

Our Logic
In this fourth session we return to the excitement of a highly interactive clinical workshop. After all, treatment planning is the core and essence of Seattle Study Club.

Program Description
This Caseflix treatment planning module was selected from the SSC Symposium 2020 World Team Treatment Planning Championships. It will be facilitated by the director with support from the advisory board. This session will be conducted in the classic SSC format.

Dr Christian Coachman

Deep Dive Lecture

Our Logic
In previous sessions we addressed the emotional, financial and dental landscape issues that have arisen from the Coronavirus. The next challenge is to work on patient acceptance. Dr Coachman is a master at connecting with patients and creating effective lines of communication.

Program Description
It is anticipated that many dental patients will emerge from isolation and financial uncertainty with anxiety and reticence in proceeding with necessary dental treatment. A barrier may exist between patients with recognized needs and their dentists who may be overanxious in presenting treatment plans in a perceived self-serving way. In this livestream presentation, Dr Coachman will identify ways to break through barriers and effectively connect with patients so they are less on the defense and more likely to accept treatment recommendations. He will leave the group with ideas and topics for roundtable discussion.

David Mugford, DMD, PA

January 20, 2021 | 6:00 pm Pacific / 7:00 pm Mountain
January 21, 2021 | 6:00 pm Central / 7:00 pm Eastern

Program Description
The dental hygienist spends more time in direct contact with patients over time than virtually any other health professional. As a result they are in a unique position to identify problems, educate and motivate their patients. Having a clear understanding of the benefits of comprehensive interdisciplinary treatment as it relates to periodontics, oral surgery, and dental implants as well as restorative care will give hygienists the best tools to encourage patients to pursue optimal care.

Live discussion facilitated by the Club Director

Our Logic
Think of this session as the checkpoint for members to see how they are progressing. It provides excellent reinforcement that their study club is a critical asset.

Program Description
In part II of this problem-solving trilogy, we invite you to share the goals you set in September, outline what you’ve accomplished so far, and detail any hurdles you’ve encountered. Think of it as a checkpoint where you can enlist reinforcements. As club members share and discuss this information, the group can help each other overcome real (and perceived) obstacles with new goals set for the remainder of the study club year. Progress may take time, but this session will clearly establish that you have a strong support network to help every step of the way.

Speaker at your choosing: Full or long half-day live presentation

Our Logic
We anticipate that by March 2021 there is good chance we will be able to meet again with our members in one large meeting space (albeit, some social distancing may be necessary). Choose from a list of SSC-certified maestros who are willing to reduce their lecture fees as a way of thanking us for all that we have done for them. Here are the details: All maestros’ honoraria are the responsibility of the club and will be $5,000 (Nathaniel Lawson: $3,500) for a live or virtual program. This program will be delivered virtually if clubs are not meeting together in an event space. These fees are exclusive of travel and lodging. These discounted fees in most cases represent a 25-50 percent discount on standard rates. These fees will only be available to the clubs participating in the Compleat Curriculum.

Although these programs are suggested for March 2021, they may take place in February, April or May because of limited speaker availability each month. Each director must indicate their second and third choices just in case a first choice speaker has no remaining availability. Note: you must make three choices and by doing so agree that any of these choices will work. If you do not get your first choice, there will be no refunds for the entire program. Selection will be on a first come, first served basis.

Program Description
We see this as a conventional Seattle Study Club full or long half-day lecture program, for which you select from our list of presenters and topics.

Dr Amanda Seay

Recorded learning module and roundtable discussion

Our Logic
Many members still do not utilize photography to help patients visualize potential restorative results. Those who use cameras see higher case acceptance, which can lead to performing more highly productive procedures. This is an opportunity to jump-start production.

Program Description
The digital world has introduced several tools and techniques to make our workflows faster and more efficient. One of the most effective tools a clinician can have in the office is a DSLR camera. From documentation, communications and marketing—and ultimately better case acceptance—photography is essential in the dental field. Learn the fundamentals of photography and the basic setup needed to make your dentistry look even better! This session will provide an overview of the foundations and principles for capturing images. Dr Seay will share protocols that can be used every day in practice to help patients better understand the benefits and value of proceeding with necessary treatment. She will also share how she plans to use photography post Covid-19 to open the door to more productive dentistry.

Brian Bradley, BKin

April 5, 2021 at 6pm Pacific /7pm Mountain
April 6, 2021 at 6pm Central / 7 Pm Eastern

Program Description
This high-energy presentation is a great opportunity to learn how to restore perfect posture, which is the beginning of undoing the limitations modern life can impose. Consistent Egoscue exercises become your plan for success, which translates to a happier and healthier you at home, at work, in life. This results-based presentation will have you laughing, learning, and on your way to a compelling future.

Dr Robert Margeas

Hands-on Livestream Event sponsored by Ivoclar
Note: Availability may mean scheduling this session for April

April 7, 2021 6:00 pm Pacific / 7:00 pm Mountain
April 8, 2021 6:00 pm Central / 7:00 pm Eastern
May 12, 2021 6:00 pm Pacific / 7:00 pm Mountain
May 13, 2021 6:00 pm Central / 7:00 pm Eastern

Our Logic
Virtual hands-on sessions will play a major role in the future of continuing education and SSC will be integrating these types of sessions into ongoing curricula.

One of the greatest challenges in dentistry is performing a natural-looking anterior direct restoration. This program, coupled with a live demonstration, will delve into the details of how to accomplish that, and how to match the polychromatic nature of existing teeth.

Program Description
This clinical evening program brings us together for a virtual livestream demonstration and the best of both worlds—watching a master clinician in action and practicing what we’ve just seen in this clinically interactive experience. Dr Margeas will demonstrate a step-by-step layering technique of a central incisor that utilizes tints, effect shades, and surface texture to achieve the desired esthetics. During the session he’ll walk you through the layering process. Each of you will have a die to layer composite on. At the conclusion of the program, you’ll receive step-by-step instructions on how to finish and polish the restoration. This final polishing step can be performed the following day in your practice.

Please bring your curing light and favorite composite layering instruments to this program.

This lecture and live demonstration through the use of a visualizer will go into great detail about how to match an existing natural tooth with a polychromatic composite resin build-up utilizing tints, effect shades, and surface texture. A step- by-step layering technique of a central incisor will be shown live from start the finish. You’ll see how to shape the composite, finish and polish. The technique you learn by watching will allow you to take your composite restorations to a new level. Questions will be answered.

Final Dinner/Livestream with Todd Williams & Mini Problem-Solving Journey III
Roundtable Discussion/Introducing 2021-2022 Academic Year

Our Logic
We end our year with a double play—a livestream session with Todd Williams, known after decades of culture development experience in healthcare and hospitality as a champion of heartfelt service, and discussion of our most impacting triumphs of the year and what we hope to accomplish moving forward. It completes their study club year’s journey toward practice and financial recovery. No matter how much they have progressed, they will recognize how much better off they are compared to when this all began in September. And they will attribute at least part of this to the wealth of information received during a year which truly addressed their immediate and most important needs. They will also appreciate the support received from their colleagues, including you!

Program Description
Strength and Growth from the Staircase We Didn’t Mean to Climb — Todd Williams
People often talk of growth as a gentle arc towards maturity, understanding, character and wisdom. The reality is, growth is more like a staircase. Something comes along that makes us grow (step up), we level out, find out what works and what doesn’t… then find balance until something new comes along and makes us grow again. Step by step we rise, gaining strength and maturity in the process. However, these upward moments of growth can feel decidedly like a downward fall. In other words, we learn a stronger stance… when the rug is pulled out from under us. Our current challenges have been breathtakingly difficult, but our response to those challenges helps us grow every day—we’re moving up and getting stronger by the minute. The world is about to see the best version of us yet.

As you focus on restoring your practice, we can help you build your own study club and engage the dentists in your community. For the first time in our nearly 30-year history, we've launched an innovative, full-academic-year program that offers support, inspiration and guidance where it’s most needed — practice recovery, financial stability, and clinical expertise.

  • Turnkey — You need only select a speaker from a list of options for one session, and then make scheduling and venue choices.
  • Flexible Delivery — Designed for flexible, adaptable delivery, you determine if a session will be in-person or virtual.
  • Reduced Cost — The format saves money over traditional programming costs, which allows you to pass the savings on to members via reduced tuition (a great recruiting tool).
  • Connections Made — We provide a brochure you can print and use to promote your club.
  • Community Strength — Programs foster camaraderie and support, and club members see you at the center of their community, which encourages future business growth and membership retention.

A Sustained Focus on Comprehensive Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

For the last 27 years, and now across 9 countries, 262 clubs and more than 6,100 members, Seattle Study Club has worked at one goal—to revolutionize dentistry world-wide. And while that goal has robust, global scale, at its roots is a more singular objective—to serve as the preeminent vehicle for change that helps improve the clinical analysis, techniques and methods you deploy in private practice every day. We believe in building connections and helping develop relationships among your peers. To us, this collaborative culture is the foundation for an innovative and interactive learning environment that fosters quality dentistry, interdisciplinary care and life-long learning.

You have access to a variety of tools that help elevate every aspect of your study club experience. Your toolbox includes sample recruiting materials, communications, budgets, marketing materials, and more. We continually develop program resources to make leading a successful study club easier and more rewarding.

We host three events every year that support you in cultivating a study club of the highest caliber. Our Symposium is open to all SSC members and has become known as the gold standard of dental meetings. Directors Summit gives us two days to focus on creating the best study clubs and practices possible. Coordinators Conference is designed to help your team members efficiently and effectively manage your study club and thereby market your practice.


Let's face it, the events of the last few months have created new and unusual challenges for dentistry. Compleat Curriculum provides low-threshold entry into operating and managing a study club, positioning you as the educational center point for your community and a trusted leader at such a critical time. We'd love to talk with you — reach out and let us know if you'd like to learn more.

Schedule a Consultation

Phone: 425.576.8000